Tuesday, April 6, 2010

"Turn 30 In South America"

I guess I can cross that one off the list of random things to do in life. Yep, the big 3-0, or "treinta" in Spanish. Had a fun birthday weekend. Saturday, my friend from LA who lives in Patagonia rolled into town. He got in from the bus station just in time to go to our baseball game and play with us, and we needed him. Despite his presence, we lost...again. Saturday night we watched the Final Four basketball games, and I cheered for Duke for two reasons only: 1. Kyle Singler, their junior forward who won Final Four MOP honors, is from Medford, Oregon, and I got to know him and his family while I was sportscasting there, and 2. my LA friend went to Duke, so I had to adopt his team for the weekend. With my beloved Arizona Wildcats not even making the tournament for the first time in 26 years, I cut myself a little slack to cheer for others. Anyhow, Sunday night, we found a hostel bar that has karaoke, and a group of us went and did some singing and dancing with people from all over the world who were staying at the hostel. Good times. Then Monday night, which was my actual 30th, we watched Duke win the title. An exhausting but fun weekend of entertaining a guest, consuming a beer or two or three, and losing my voice between karaoke and screaming at TV screens.
So years from now, it won't be hard to remember what I did for my 30th birthday. I was living in Buenos Aires, Argentina, watching ma'boy Kyle Singler win a national title. Could've been worse.