Thursday, March 11, 2010

Got a sweet new job! No more teaching...

So I'm a TV journalist again, but this is definitely NOT sports! Press TV, a 24-hour English-speaking news channel which broadcasts in Iran, is opening a brand new bureau in Buenos Aires. I saw the job on Craigslist, then sent them a story I wrote in college, then some amateur video from my rooftop with a Flip camera, and boom, I got the job! My producer flew in from Belgium to help set up MY new office (I'll have pictures soon), and I started today. My cameraman is from Buenos Aires, so he knows his way around and has some good contacts. We'll need 'em, because, being that the bureau is brand new, we have no idea what we're doing... yet. I have no list of local contacts, and certainly no archived video to rely on. We'll have to generate all our own stories, which I will write, voice, and do my on-camera thing for. My cameraman, Adrian, will handle most of the editing.
I'm getting paid in Euros, which, if you don't know, is worth 1.35 dollars right now, so when I convert that to pesos down here, I can actually live comfortably and enjoy BA!!! Awesome. I don't know how this all worked out, and so quickly, but I'm glad it did. I'm committing to a year with Press TV, so I guess that's that.
First story on the horizon... the dramatic saga of the Argentine President vs. the Central Bank. Plenty of story there... I just need someone to interview!
No more teaching English, which I can't say I'll miss.
Well, once my stories are up on the Press TV website, and they will be, I'll let ya know.

Hope everyone's having good fortune like mine.

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